Investments & Initiatives


Heart of Maine United Way has aligned investments with these bold goals and the vision of Opportunity 2028 to ensure a deep impact toward meeting the community’s goals.  We measure success against the Opportunity 2028 Evaluation Framework.

Find a full list of funded programs here.  Learn more about the anticipated results in this presentation.

Current Initiatives

  • 211 Help Line- 24/7 Information and referral hotline
  • Eastern Maine CA$H — FREE Tax Prep and Financial Literacy
  • Familywize — Prescription Discount Cards
  • Food Security
  • Neighbors United — Supply Drives
  • Volunteerism-includes volunteer matching and Day of Caring service events
  • Peer Networking Groups- Executive Directors, Volunteer Coordinators, Resource Development Processionals, Health and Human Service Providers. Contact us to learn more about meeting times and locations for these groups.

Next Steps

  1. Build collaboration among grantees through a series of convenings.

To enhance relationships and break down barriers as well as identify opportunities for shared work, improve communication and data-sharing, gauge interests for participating in working groups and set the stage for a future shared community needs assessment.

  1. Develop detailed profiles of the issues behind the bold goals.

We will create a baseline profile for each bold goal based on data collected from grant applicants, community partners and research. This will identify existing resources, leverage points and potential gaps in service to guide strategies. 

  1. Expand and strengthen community engagement with and capacity to advance Opportunity 2028.

UWEM will offer people concrete, easy, ways to get involved as donors, advocates and volunteers.  We will produce an annual training calendar to address grantee and community needs. All the while collecting and capturing stories to better connect all members of the community to this initiative.

  1. Establish working groups to advance strategic action plans.

UWEM will facilitate working group(s) that are action oriented and results driven.  UWEM will generate resources (funding, volunteers, advocates and more) that support implementation of identified strategies.