About Opportunity 2028


Through Opportunity 2028 we imagine a community where no one struggles to meet their basic needs. Where ALL people are fed, housed and financially stable. Everyone is safe. There are no barriers and no stigma when it comes to accessing treatment and recovery services. All parents and caregivers can enroll their children in high quality care settings and have the support they need to be strong parents. Our youth are engaged and resilient. A community where we are all making a difference and leading the charge, TOGETHER.


What is it?

Opportunity 2028 is a ten-year community change initiative set by, YOU, the community and led by Heart of Maine United Way. Through an extensive process which included reviewing existing needs assessments, interviewing key stakeholders, facilitating community forums, and conducting public surveys UWEM has gathered the input of thousands of individuals to identify the issues that matter most to our community. The result is a focus on Basic Needs, Substance Use Disorder and Early Childhood Development. UWEM is uniquely positioned to impact these issues and has incorporated every aspect of our work, including the grant application process, with the Opportunity 2028 Bold Goals.

Why Opportunity 2028?

We asked donors, community leaders, a variety of stakeholders and the general public what the most pressing issues facing our communities are.  The results of this process are the pillars on which the Opportunity 2028 initiative has been built. The top three issues identified in our communities as the most pressing are:

Basic Needs
Substance Use Disorder
Early Childhood Development

These issues are now the pillars upon which we have developed Opportunity 2028. We’re in the process of collaborating with our communities to set ten-year goals to achieve with the help of our partner agencies.